
Finnish eco-school of Laukaa from HOISKO CLT, Ilkka newspaper


A part of history was written in HOISKO

as the Finnish eco-school of Laukaa chose HOISKO CLT for the building material, writes Johanna Heikkilä in Ilkka newspaper. Laukaa eco-school is the first public project for HOISKO and corresponds to the approximate material use of ten single family houses.

Laukaa eco-school is designed by architect SAFA Tero Wéman from Arkkitehtipalvelu and will hold the principals of ecology and sustainability in every possible aspect such as using local food, transportation and renewing energy. In addition, says Pekka Mikkonen from Laukaa municipality, the eco-school is reaching for status of a pedagogical forerunner. Wood as a building material was an obvious choice, and HOISKO CLT solid wood components fit perfectly to the project theme. With HOISKO CLT, it is now possible to minimize the eco-school carbon footprint. Hanna Ahopelto from HOISKO appreciates the reference project emphasizing company’s critical values of healthy, safe and responsible construction, Heikkilä writes.

Pasi Sompasaari, the NCC general foreman describes the external wall units’ thickness to be 260 mm and interior walls’ 140 mm. The building components are placed by a crane and joined using screws and bolts. The highest wall units reach up to 12 meters. An owning partner of HOISKO, a construction firm Rakennusliike M. Ranta is in charge of the erection at the building site.

The first CLT wall units are expected to be in place by the Easter in three weeks and the rest 100 units in May, Pekka Mikkonen explains the project schedule to the newspaper. The building acceptance takes place in April 2018 and after the  two months ventilation the children are welcomed.

Follow HOISKO’s attendance in the eco-school project in hoisko.fi/news and in Facebook by liking our page HOISKO CLT.

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